4th Meeting of the Scientific-Technical Sub-Committeee: PROMINT 2022 results
The fourth Meeting of the Scientific-Technical Sub-Committee of the PROMINT programme was held on the 2nd of December to present the 2022 results for each of the research groups and laboratories.
The meeting was held at the Polytechnic School of the Universidad de Alcalá, attended by a total of 9 participants, all of them researchers of the programme, in which the latest results obtained by each group and laboratory were explained. The presentations of each of the speakers can be downloaded below:
- "Overview of the project and its objetives". Fco. Javier Rodríguez Sánchez, PROMINT coordinator and principal investigator of the GEISER group.
- "Objetivo 1: Diseño, simulación y evaluación de la capa de comunicaciones para sistemas energéticos distribuidos operando en microrredes". Miguel Gayo, investigador del grupo GEISER
- "Grupo GEA-IIT, Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica". Aurelio García Cerrada, investigador principal del grupo GEA-IIT.
- "Instituto IMDEA-Energía. Grupo IMDEA-USE". Javier Roldán, investigador del grupo IMDEA-USE.
- "Presentación de Avances. Grupo GCP-UC3M". Marcial González, investigador del grupo GCP-UC3M.
- "Aprendizaje máquina aplicado a microrredes". Silvia Jiménez Fernández, investigadora principal del grupo GHEODE y Gabriel Matos investigador del mismo grupo.
- "Laboratorio Tecnología Electrónica LABTEL". Joaquín Vaquero, investigado principal del Laboratorio LABTEL (REDLAB-169).