Electronics is an essential part in the development of technologies and research activity in fields such as: information and communications, space, nanotechnologies, biotechnology, etc; furthermore, it is a fundamental tool to address the challenges proposed in the successive European framework programs: health, food safety, energy, transport, climate and society. This master's degree provides training in Engineering Electronics to face immediate challenges posed by the new industrial revolution, the innovation in energy management, the ubiquity of network sensing and network control systems, the integration of ICT technologies, and the role of the IoT in process automation. The objectives of this master's degree are in line with what is established in the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Superior Education (MECES 3) and guarantees the acquisition of the general, basic and specific competences required to award a master's degree, in accordance with the Article 3.3 of Annex I of the R.D. 1393/2007.
The master is offered in two teaching modalities: on-site and blended-learning. Practical contents are carried out face to face in labs and are common to both modaliteies.
The master program offers specialized and advanced training with two profiles: research/academic and professional.
The research/academic profile allows to a) obtain one specialtiy or b) adapt the curriculum according to the student preference. Two specialities are offered: I) Power electronics and energy management systems, and II) Network sensing and control electronic systems.
The professional profile offers external internships in collaboration with companies of the electronic sector.
The master curriculum comprises 30 ECTS of core subjects, 18 ECTS of optative subjects and a master's final project of 12 ECTS.

Compulsory Subjects:
- Signal and data processing techniques
- Signal conditioning and data adquisition
- Digital electronic systems design
- Real-time electronic systems
- Advanced photonics and microelectronics
- Advanced power electronics
- Electronic control systems design
- Master's final project

Power electronic and energy management systems speciality (research/academic):
- Research methodology
- Advanced signal processing and control for power systems
- Electronic systems for distributed energy management and electrical microgrids
- Power electronics for traction applications

Network sensing and control electronic systems speciality (research/academic):
- Research methodology
- Embedded systems and web interfaces for IoT
- Systems-on-chip design
- Network positioning systems

Professional profile courses:
- Project management
- Product-oriented electronic design
- External Internship
Duration and start date
One academic years, 60 ECTS credits. Starting September.Fees and Grants
Approximate fees for the master’s degree, excluding degree certificate fee, 4.501 € (5.044 € for non-EU residents).More information about grants and scholarships.
Timetable and delivery
Afternoon classes.Language of instruction: Spanish (English friendly)
Location: Engineering School at the University of Alcala (EPS-UAH)
Student Profile
This master's degree is intended for engineering graduates with fundamental training in electronics, physics, mathematics and programming, as well as an interest in the development and/or research in applications of electronic systems and continuous learning with critical thinking. To address the master practical and experimental components, electronic laboratory experience is required. Between the engineering degree studies that facilitate following-up the master's degree are: Graduated in Communications Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Industrial Automation Engineering and Telemcomunication Technologies Engineering.ACADEMIC INFORMATION
M202. Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering. On-site teaching modality.
The academic year includes 2 semesters.
More information about the subjects and teaching guides -
M203. Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering. Blended-learning teaching modality.
The Academic year includes 2 semesters.
More information about the subjects and teaching guides