

  • TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; PÉREZ-SEGUÍ , Rafael; MELERO DEZA, Javier; CAMPOY , Pascual; ."Framework for autonomous inspection of PV plants using IoT electronics on each PV panel and UAV collaboration". (ISSN: 2590-1745).Energy Conversion and Management: X.2025.
  • , De López Diz, S.; MARTÍN LÓPEZ, Roberto; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ." A Digital Twin Approach for Online Impedance-Based Stability Analysis of Three-Phase AC Systems ". (ISSN: 0278-0046).IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2024.
  • HAOHAO , Ma; YUAN , Yang; FAN , Zeyang; TAO , Huang; WEI , Xiang; YANG , Wen; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; ."A Fourier Series-Based Steady-State Thermal Resistance Model for Power Module". (ISSN: 2168-6777).IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.2024. vol 12. num 4. p. 3912-3924.
  • MAZAHERI , Nafiseh; SANTAMARGARITA , Daniel; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio; PIZARRO , Daniel; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; ."A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to DC-DC Power Electronic Converter Control with Practical Considerations". (ISSN: 1996-1073).Energies.2024. vol 17. num 14. p. 3578-.
  • GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; WU , Ying; WU , Yanpeng; VASQUEZ , Juan C.; GUERRERO , Josep M; ."Design and implementation of multiprotocol framework for residential prosumer incorporation in flexibility markets". (ISSN: 2542-6605).Internet of Things.2023. vol 23. p. 1-21.  .
  • GONZÁLEZ CAJIGAS, Adrián; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ROLDÁN PÉREZ, Javier; MARTÍN LÓPEZ, Roberto; , Elena Saiz; ."Control Choices to Allow the Parallel Operation of Grid-Forming Type-III Wind Turbines". (ISSN: 0885-8993).IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.2023. vol 38. num 12. p. 15353-15364.
  • LÓPEZ DIZ, Sergio de; MARTÍN LÓPEZ, Roberto; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; DÍAZ LLERENA, Edel; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ."A real-time digital twin approach on three-phase power converters applied to condition monitoring". (ISSN: 0306-2619).Applied Energy.2023. vol 334. num 15. p. 120606-.
  • NARDOTO , Adriano; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; SANTOS , Walbermark; AMORIN , Authur; FIOROTTI , Rodrigo; MOLINERO BLANCO, David; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ."Enhanced Efficiency on ANPC-DAB through Adaptive Model Predictive Control". (ISSN: 1996-1073).Energies.2023. vol 17. num 12.
  • ROS MAGÁN, Germán; RODRÍGUEZ ARTECHE, Iñigo; FRAILE REY, María Arántzazu; PASTOR MENDOZA, Julio; ."Formación en el Grado de Educación Primaria en las disciplinas STEM: Análisis ante su reforma en España". (ISSN: 0034-8082).REVISTA DE EDUCACION.2023. vol 1. num 402. p. 85-113.  .
  • SANTAMARGARITA MAYOR, Daniel; SALINAS , Guillermo; MOLINERO BLANCO, David; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; VASIC , Miroslav; ."Tradeoff Between Accuracy and Computational Time for Magnetics Thermal Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks". Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.2023. vol 11. num 6. p. 5658-5674.
  • SANTAMARGARITA MAYOR, Daniel; MOLINERO BLANCO, David; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; MARRÓN ROMERA, Marta; VASIC , Miroslav; ."On-Line Monitoring of Maximum Temperature and Loss Distribution of a Medium Frequency Transformer Using Artificial Neural Networks ". (ISSN: 0885-8993).IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.2023. vol 38. num 12. p. 15818-15828.
  • TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; ."High-performance IoT Module for real-time control and self-diagnose PV panels under working daylight and dark electroluminescence conditions". (ISSN: 2542-6605).Internet of Things.2023. vol 25.
  • VILLALBA ALUMBREROS, Gabriel; LÓPEZ CÁMARA , Enrique; MARTÍNEZ GÓMEZ, Javier; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; VALIENTE BLANCO, Ignacio; DÍEZ JIMÉNEZ, Efrén; ."Experimental study of micromilling process and deburring electropolishing process on FeCo¿based soft magnetic alloys". (ISSN: 0268-3768).International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.2023. vol 126. p. 3235-3248. .
  • GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; ."Aperiodic two-layer energy management system for community microgrids based on blockchain strategy". (ISSN: 0306-2619).Applied Energy.2022. vol 324. p. 1-21.  .
  • GONZÁLEZ CAJIGAS, Adrián; ROLDÁN PÉREZ, Javier; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ."Design and Analysis of Parallel-Connected Grid-Forming Virtual Synchronous Machines for Island and Grid-Connected Applications". (ISSN: 0885-8993).IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.2022. p. 5107-5121.
  • HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; JIMÉNEZ , Carlos; FERNÁNDEZ LORENZO, Ignacio; ."Addressing the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of advanced nanogrids: a practical framework". (ISSN: 2542-6605).Internet of Things.2022.
  • NARDOTO , Adriano; AMORIN , Arthur; SANTANA , Nelson; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; SANTOS , Walbermark; ."Adaptive Model Predictive Control for DAB Converter SwitchingLosses Reduction". (ISSN: 1996-1073).Energies.2022.
  • RODRIGUEZ-RAMOS , Alejandro; ALVAREZ-FERNANDEZ , Adrian; BAVLE , Hriday; RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ , Javier; LU , Liang; FERNANDEZ-CORTIZAS , Miguel; SUAREZ FERNANDEZ, Ramon A.; RODELGO , Alberto; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; MOLINA , Martin; MERINO , Luis; CABALLERO , Fernando; CAMPOY , Pascual; ."Autonomous aerial robot for high-speed search and intercept applications". (ISSN: 2771-3989).Field Robotics.2022. vol 2. p. 1320-1350.  .
  • SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; MAZO QUINTAS, Manuel Ramón; LOSADA GUTIÉRREZ, Cristina; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; ."Announcement signals and automatic braking using virtual balises in railway transport system". (ISSN: 1424-8220).Sensors.2022. vol 22. num 5. p. 1-17.  .
  • STEVANOVIC , Branislav; SERBAN , Emanuel; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; ALOU , Pedro; ORDOÑEZ , Martín; VASI¿ , Miroslav; ."DC/DC stage contribution to bus voltage in 1000-and 1500-V grid-connected solar inverters". (ISSN: 2168-6777).IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.2022. vol 10. num 5. p. 6252-6265.
  • SÁNCHEZ CABALLERO, Adrián; LÓPEZ DIZ, Sergio de; FUENTES JIMÉNEZ, David; LOSADA GUTIÉRREZ, Cristina; MARRÓN ROMERA, Marta; CASILLAS PÉREZ, David; SARKER , Mohammad Ibrahim; ."3DFCNN: real-time action recognition using 3D deep neural networks with raw depth information". (ISSN: 1380-7501).Multimedia Tools and Applications.2022. vol 81. p. 24119-24143.  .
  • SÁNCHEZ CABALLERO, Adrián; LÓPEZ DIZ, Sergio de; FUENTES JIMÉNEZ, David; LOSADA GUTIÉRREZ, Cristina; CASILLAS PÉREZ, David; MARRÓN ROMERA, Marta; SARKER , Mohammad Ibrahim; ."3DFCNN: Real-Time Action Recognition using 3D Deep Neural Networks with Raw Depth Information". (ISSN: 1380-7501).Multimedia Tools and Applications.2022.
  • VIDAL MORENO, Pedro Jose; ROCHAT , Etienne; FERMOSO SANTOS, Pablo; FERNÁNDEZ RUIZ, María del Rosario; FIDALGO MARTINS, Hugo; MARTÍN LÓPEZ, Sonia; OCAÑA MIGUEL, Manuel; GONZÁLEZ HERRÁEZ, Miguel; ."Cancellation of reference update-induced 1/f noise in a chirped-pulse DAS". (ISSN: 0146-9592).Optics Letters.2022. vol 47. num 14. p. 3588-3591.  .
  • CAMARGO , Renner; AMORIN , A.E.A.; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ."Novel multilevel STATCOM for power system stability enhancement on DFIG-based wind farms ". (ISSN: 0378-7796).Electric Power Systems Research.2021. vol 197.
  • DEL TORO , José Manuel; HUERTA SÁNCHEZ, Francisco; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; DE LA VIESCA , Carlos; MARTÍN , Roberto; LÓPEZ DIZ, Sergio de; ."Quantitative Feedback Theory Control to Improve Stability in DC Catenary Feeding Traction and Auxiliary Drives". (ISSN: 2169-3536).IEEE Access.2021. vol 9. p. 152461-152475.
  • DÍAZ LLERENA, Edel; MATEOS GIL, Raúl; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; NIETO CAPUCHINO, Rubén; ."Enabling Parallelized-QEMU for Hardware/Software Co-Simulation Virtual Platforms". (ISSN: 0013-5070).Electronics.2021. vol 10. num 6. p. 759-.
  • MECA MECA, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN GOROSTIZA, Ernesto; GARCÍA GARRIDO, Miguel Ángel; SALIDO MONZU, David; ."Phase Stability under Thermal Drifts in Photodiode-Conditioning Transimpedance Amplifiers for Distance Metrology". (ISSN: 1424-8220).Sensors.2021. vol 21. num 10.
  • MORENO BAEZA, Guillermo; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; PEÑA CAPILLA, Rafael; VUSKSANOVIC , B.; ."Intra-Day Solar Power Forecasting Strategy for Managing Virtual Power Plants". (ISSN: 7803-7842).Sensors.2021. vol 21. num 16.  .
  • SERRANO DELGADO, Javier; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; RIZO MORENTE, Mario; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ."Low-order Passivity-based Robust Current Control Design for Grid-tied VSCs". (ISSN: 0885-8993).IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.2021.
  • TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; ."Turning base transceiver stations into scalable and controllable DC microgrids based on a smart sensing strategy". (ISSN: 7803-7842).Sensors.2021. vol 21. num 4. p. 1-25.  .
  • TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; ."Turning Base Transceiver Stations into Scalable and Controllable DC Microgrids Based on a Smart Sensing Strategy". (ISSN: 7803-7842).Sensors.2021. vol 21. num 4. p. 1202-.
  • CAMARGO , Renner; SANTAMARGARITA MAYOR, Daniel; MAYOR MIGUEL, Alvar Gonzalo; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; ."A Novel Cascaded Multilevel Converter Topology Based on Three-Phase Cells¿CHB-SDC ". (ISSN: 1996-1073).Energies.2020. p. 1-25.
  • ESPINOSA ZAPATA, Felipe; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; GARCÍA SIERRA, J. Enrique; ."Transporte multi-AGV de una carga: estado del arte y propuesta centralizada.". (ISSN: 1697-7912).RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial.2020.
  • GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; ."Addressing challenges in prosumer-based microgrids with blockchain and an IEC 61850-based communication scheme". (ISSN: 2169-3536).IEEE Access.2020. vol 8. p. 201806-201822.  .
  • LOSADA GUTIÉRREZ, Cristina; ESPINOSA ZAPATA, Felipe; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; MARRÓN ROMERA, Marta; RODRÍGUEZ ASCARIZ, José Manuel; ."Remote control of a robotic unit: a case study for control engineering formation". (ISSN: 0018-9359).IEEE Transactions on Education.2020. vol 63. num 4. p. 246-254.  .
  • LOSADA GUTIÉRREZ, Cristina; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; ESPINOSA ZAPATA, Felipe; RODRÍGUEZ ASCARIZ, José Manuel; MARRÓN ROMERA, Marta; ."Remote Control of a Robotic Unit: A Case Study for Control Engineering Formation". (ISSN: 0018-9359).IEEE Transactions on Education.2020. vol 63. num 4. p. 246-254.
  • MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; ."An experimental strategy for characterizing inductive electromagnetic energy harvesters". (ISSN: 1424-8220).Sensors.2020. vol 20. num 3. p. 1-17.  .
  • MORENO BAEZA, Guillermo; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; ."A day-ahead irradiance forecasting strategy for the integration of photovoltaic systems in virtual power plants". (ISSN: 2169-3536).IEEE Access.2020. vol 8. p. 204226-204240.  .
  • SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; ESPINOSA ZAPATA, Felipe; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; GUALDA GÓMEZ, David; ."Lyapunov Self-triggered Controller for Nonlinear Trajectory Tracking of Unicycle-type Robot". (ISSN: 2005-4092).International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems.2020. .
  • SERRANO DELGADO, Javier; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; MATTAVELLI , Paolo; ABEDINI , Hossein; RIZO MORENTE, Mario; BUSO , Simone; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; ."Output Capacitance Minimization for Converters in DC Microgrids via Multi-Objective Tuning of Droop-Based Controllers". (ISSN: 2169-3536).IEEE Access.2020. p. 222700-222710 VOL.

Artículos Electrónicos


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  • HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; "Digital Twin Design Framework for Photovoltaic Generation Systems Using FMU and Modelica".2024 IEEE 22nd Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON). (ISBN: 979-8-3503-8702-5.)2024.
  • HUERTA , Francisco; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; BUENO , Emilio; DEL TORO , Jose Manuel; "Non-smooth Hinfinity impedance shaping for DC catenary stability enhancement in railway converter".2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC).. (ISBN: 979-8-3503-1665-0.)2024. p. 221. - 227.
  • PÉREZ , Juan José; SANTAMARGARITA , Daniel; MOLINERO , David; HUERTA , Francisco; PIZARRO , Daniel; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; GRIÑÓ , Robert; "Dual Active Bridge simultaneous input admittance passivity shaping and reference tracking using low order H-infinity control".2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). (ISBN: 979-8-3503-1665-0.)2024. p. 673. - 678.
  • TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; "Cell Level Partial-Shading Condition Quantification and Simulation on PV Panels".2024 IEEE 22nd Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON). (ISBN: 979-8-3503-8702-5.)2024.
  • HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; PÉREZ SAURA, David; "A low-cost digital twin for real-time monitoring of photovoltaic panels".2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). (ISBN: 979-8-3503-9971-4.)2023.
  • LÓPEZ DIZ, Sergio de; MARTÍN LÓPEZ, Roberto; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; "A Real-Time Digital Twin Approach on Three-Phase Power Converters".2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE).Helsinki Espoo, Finland. (ISBN: 979-8-3503-9971-4.)2023.
  • TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; PÉREZ SERGUI, Rafael; "High-performance IoT Module for controlling and testing PV panels".2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). (ISBN: 979-8-3503-9971-4.)2023.
  • GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; "Assessing Microgrid Communications Technologies in Real-World Environment".Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2022) . (ISBN: 978-1-6654-7087-2.)2022.
  • HUEROS BARRIOS, Pablo José; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; FERNÁNDEZ LORENZO, Ignacio; "Addressing cybersecurity threats in prosumer-based nanogrids with MQTT communication".Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2022). (ISBN: 978-1-6654-7087-2.)2022.
  • SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; TRADACETE ÁGREDA, Miguel; MORENO BAEZA, Guillermo; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; "Hybrid Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Algorithm for Managing Virtual Power Plants".Proc. of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET 2022). (ISBN: 978-1-6654-7088-9.)2022.
  • SERRANO , Javier; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; RIZO MORENTE, Mario; "Passivity-based Fixed-order H-infinity Controller Design for Grid-forming VSCs".2021 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC).. (ISBN: 978-1-7281-8950-5.)2021. p. 2459. - 2466.
  • STEVANOVIC , Branislav; SERBAN , Emanuel; ALOU , Pedro; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; ORDOÑEZ , Martin; VASIC , Miroslav; "Influence of DC/DC stage on the design of the output filter of the inverter stage in two-stage grid-connected PV systems".2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).. (ISBN: 978-1-7281-6128-0.)2021. p. 15. - 22.
  • TORO ZARZA, José Manuel del; , C. de la Viesca; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; HUERTA SÁNCHEZ, Francisco; "Improved stability of dc catenary fed traction drivers and auxiliary converters using qft robust technique".2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT).. (ISBN: 978-1-7281-5731-3.)2021. p. 383. - 390.
  • CAMARGO , Renner; SANTAMARGARITA MAYOR, Daniel; DE MINGO FERNANDES, Luis; MAYOR MIGUEL, Alvar Gonzalo; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; "A Novel Cascaded Multilevel Converter Topology Based on Three-Phase Cells with Model Predictive Control".2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). (ISBN: 978-1-7281-5635-4.)2020.
  • GAYO ABELEIRA, Miguel; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, Pedro; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; "Integration of Blockchain with IEC 61850 for Internal Management of Microgrids".2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). (ISBN: 978-1-7281-5635-5.)2020. p. 892. - 897.
  • LOSADA GUTIÉRREZ, Cristina; ESPINOSA ZAPATA, Felipe; SANTOS PÉREZ, Carlos; PIZARRO PÉREZ, Daniel; MARRÓN ROMERA, Marta; RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Francisco Javier; RODRÍGUEZ ASCARIZ, José Manuel; "Integración de herramientas de desarrollo CACSD para demostrador de competencias de sistemas electrónicos de control".Dando la vuelta a los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje: Aula invertida y otros retos de la Educación Superior. XI Encuentro de Innovación en Docencia Universitaria.. (ISBN: 978-84-18254-74-1.)2020. p. 107. - 119.
  • M.R. DE OLIVEIRA, Víctor; CAMARGO , Renner; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; "Predictive Control on Multilevel Back-to-Back Cascade H-Bridge Driving an Induction Motor".2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). (ISBN: 978-1-7281-5635-4.)2020.
  • NIETO CAPUCHINO, Rubén; DÍAZ LLERENA, Edel; MATEOS GIL, Raúl; HERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, Álvaro; "Evaluation of Software Inter-Processor Synchronization Methods for the Zynq-UltraScale+ Architecture.".Proc. XXXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2020).. (ISBN: 978-1-7281-9132-4.)2020. p. 226. - 231.
  • PASTOR MENDOZA, Julio; PEREIRA GONZÁLEZ, Emiliano; ÁLVAREZ MIGUEL, Ángel Javier; ALÉN CORDERO, Cristina; JIMÉNEZ MARTÍN, Ana; GIL JIMÉNEZ, Pedro; LLAMAZARES LLAMAZARES, Ángel; MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, José Luis; SANTISO GÓMEZ, Enrique; JIMÉNEZ CALVO, José Antonio; OCAÑA MIGUEL, Manuel; GÓMEZ MORENO, Hilario; REVENGA DE TORO, Pedro Alfonso; ROJAS SÁNCHEZ, Elisa; MALLOL POYATO, Ricardo; "Acquisition of transversal skills in university studies through participation in robotics competitions".2020 XIV Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching Conference (TAEE). (ISBN: 978-1-7281-6733-6.)2020.
  • SERRANO DELGADO, Javier; CÓBRECES ÁLVAREZ, Santiago; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; RIZO MORENTE, Mario; "Passivity-based Robust Current Control of Grid-connected VSCs".2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). (ISBN: 978-1-7281-4829-8.)2020.
  • HERNÁNDEZ ALONSO, Álvaro; NIETO CAPUCHINO, Rubén; MATEOS GIL, Raúl; MEMBIBRE FERNÁNDEZ, Francisco; "Aplicación de Unidad Vectorial NEON para la Implementación de un Transmultiplexor FBMC con Estimador e Igualador de Canal.".Actas del XXVI Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI 2019).. (ISBN: 978-84-17171-50-6.)2019. p. 120. - 124.
  • SILVA OLIVEIRA, Felipe; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; CAMARGO , Renner; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; "Multilevel Back-to-Back Cascaded H-Bridge Converter with Model Predictive Control".IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. (ISBN: 978-1-7281-4878-6.)2019.
  • SILVA OLIVEIRA, Felipe; FRIZERA ENCARNACAO, Lucas; CAMARGO , Renner; BUENO PEÑA, Emilio José; "Model Predictive Control on Back-to-Back Parallel-Series Cascaded H-Bridge Converters".2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe). (ISBN: 978-1-5386-8219-7.)2019.